
IPS e.max ZirCAD

Date: 2021-10-21
View: 318
IPS e.max ZirCAD's is an yttrium-stable zirconium oxide module. Suitable for indications that require high intensity, such as posterior bridge.
 IPS e.max ZirCAD zirconia (> 900 MPa) has high strength. The IPS e.max ZirCAD inner crown is crystalline after grinding in the inLab or inLab MC-XL system and sintering through a Programat S1 high temperature furnace. During sintering, the inner crown contracts to its final size and obtains high strength.
The finish of the inner crown can then be coated with IPS e.max Ceram porcelain powder or die cast with IPS e.max ZirPress. IPS e.max ZirCAD can repair long bridges in the front and rear tooth areas. This also includes the restoration of the sleeve crown and the superstructure of the implant.
The IPS e.max ZirCAD inner crown combines with high-strength IPS e.max CAD lithium disilicate glass ceramics (LS2) and is an innovation in glass-ceramic fusion.
The IPS e.max ZirCAD is divided into 9 sizes and 3 colors (MO 0,MO 1,MO 2). The smaller zirconium blocks are used for making inner crowns, larger for the production of long bridge or overlapping crowns.
The coloration of the IPS e.max ZirCAD zirconium block is consistent with IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD MO. Whatever IPS e.max inner crown material (lithium disilicicate or zirconia) achieves high aesthetic results.

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